All my collaboration posters are easy for kaiako and fun for learners. First of all they leave a lasting impression–on students, parents and any group involved in the activity or admirers seeing the finished product!
In addition, this large and visually striking poster is the perfect accompaniment to your Matariki celebrations. As a result, it makes for a great display in the front office, a hallway, or your classroom. Finally no matter where it ends up hanging, it will generate compliments while being a source of inspiration! Download the resource now – or, join Te Reo Club and have unlimited access to heaps of great resources like this! —>
The learners will see that every single piece of the poster matters – just as every participant matters.
Plus, you don’t have to be an expert drawer- the finished product will look awesome.
A special piece for each person to colour!
Maybe this could be motivation for an Inquiry unit.
This activity is great for schools-teachers working together, teachers and learners, learners and their whānau, office workers, and any team building…..
Above all it is another great activity in the Matariki celebration in your learning space.
25 pieces (or for a bigger team do 2 and mix and match!)
This resource was designed and copyrighted by © thetereomaoriclassroom2018. All rights are reserved. With the purchase of this resource you have permission to print and copy it for whole school use. (One school only)
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