Te Reo Māori Workshop for Kaiako in English Medium Schools

- $325.00 (+GST) for 1 attendee
- $295.00 (+GST) for more than 1
- Payment will secure space.
Are you interested in PD in your rohe, district? Register your interest here.
Beginning Teachers 2022
Here are some of the latest Testimonials
The entire day was inspiring and useful and tino pai. From the happy relaxed atmosphere to the sharing of ideas and experiences of others, from the relevant content to the wonderful resources – I totally enjoyed the day and celebrated that I had given a day for such awesome reward. I will be using much of what was covered starting with small steps – and I am looking forward to putting more Te Reo Maori into my classroom. It was ka mau te wehi!
Amanda Bates, Stella Maris
It was well-planned with lots of ideas from everyone. Personally, I gained both benefit of how to pronounce the alphabets of Te Reo Maori, and interest to use it to my students. That will motivate myself, and the students to have the pride of Aotearoa as speaking its own language. Thanks.
Sonya Kim, Sommerville Special School
(from Matariki Workshop June 11th and 18th 2021 )
Michele’s PD was absolutely AMAZING!! Although our kura had a progression in place following He reo tupu it’s been really hard to motivate and find awesome resources to support the kaupapa. This PD has taken my thinking to a different level and REALLY made me excited about the future of reo in our kura. Having all the resources in one place is sooooo helpful (Te Reo Club). It can be so overwhelming trying to find resources for different topics so this is going to save time and stress! Having the AOs connected to each resource is just so genius and supports every kaiako in their journey and ensuring that they are addressing the various AOs. The Matariki PD itself was insightful with new learning…and again…awesome new resources. It was so helpful to split off and interact with the resources and then share back. I felt inspired for Matariki from these. The amount of content shared and discussed was perfect! This is one of 2 PD where I’ve left feeling excited and inspired as opposed to overloaded and overwhelmed. Michele’s delivery in the whole course was beautiful, respectful, extremely helpful, insightful and she made the space for EVERYONE a safe place for learning I believe.
Nadia, Titahi Bay School (Wellington Workshop)
This course was outstanding. Michelle is so warm and inviting, she made everyone at ease and comfortable so that we could all share many special thoughts and feelings about our own Te Reo journeys. The contents of the course was so practical and useful and relevant for all no matter where we are as far as our knowledge of Te Reo . I am not only inspired and more confident to use Te Reo in my own class but also to take ideas back to all of the staff at my kura and help them on their own journeys. I will definitely go to another one of these courses if it is offered again.
Cath Franks, Paraparaumu School (Wellington Workshop)
Ngā mihi nui Michele. Such a wonderful time of discussion, motivation and practical hands on resourcing for me. By inspiring me and giving me some more tools, I know this PD benefits my ākonga directly – just the right kind of PD for busy, earnest teachers. Tino pai
Joanne, Otari School (Wellington Workshop)
The resources were amazing and left me feeling inspired. Hearing everyone introduce themselves and their stories made me realise we are all in the same boat, feeling like we don’t do enough to honour Te Tiriti and tikanga Māori in our personal lives and school, and we are all ready to better ourselves and do something about the problem. I felt very comfortable to share my questions and thoughts. You are so amazing and clearly love what you do. I will definitely be back.
Renee Van Zeyl, Wainuiomata Intermediate (Wellington Workshop)
Ngā mihi nui Michele. What an inspiring and helpful PD session you ran with us. I would like to thank you for opening up the floor for kaiako to share their experiences, knowledge and story with the rōpū on Friday. This set the tone for the day and pulled us all together to be on the same waka of learning. Your digital presentation was engaging and extremely relevant as was all the content for the day. Loved the delivery of the learning through hands on group work etc. Thank you so much for your time, passion and commitment to us all and to Te Reo throughout Aotearoa. We left feeling valued and empowered and feel refreshed about taking te reo back to our kura.
Grace Mulvhill, Titahi Bay School (Wellington Workshop)
I totally recommend that all kaiako and tumuaki attend and participate in the Te Reo Māori Workshop PD. because you will walk away with new ideas, see the resources, meet other kaiako, share your knowledge, learn from others and the delivery of the content is well-paced. I feel more empowered and inspired to deliver te reo Māori in my learning space!!!
Dee Tingle, Ngāti Toa Kura (Wellington Workshop)
Definitely helped my confidence and made me feel like I could do things straight away. As well as some great new things it was a good reminder that repeating those basics and having them constantly in the classroom is vital (and can be manageable!). Thank you.
Paula, Otari School
Very inspired and can not wait to use these amazing resources in my classroom. Thank you!
Penny, Dyer Street School
This was my second PD with Michele and I can not speak highly enough of the way I have been inspired to increase the use of Te Reo in my class. The first course was with 2 colleagues from our school and it is fair to say that the enthusiasm from the 3 of us inspired others in the staff ( including office staff😊) We were given practical information and excellent resources to set us up for success. I was excited to attend the Matariki course with another colleague and this only served to further my respect and gratefulness to Michele for deepening my learning as well as equipping me to help the rest of the teachers at our school. All resources are of such a great quality and easily adapted to different class levels.
I found this day (just like the last workshop in the holidays) to be a great mix of the “why” and the “how” which I think is an important balance. Both times I have come away from your PD both inspired in my own practice but also so keen to get back to school to share what I have learnt with other kaiako. Thank you so much for the way you so freely share your knowledge and resources with us on these days. I will be pushing to get my school signed up to tTe Reo Club. Ngā mihi nui Michelle.
PD in Schools
Michele has provided Te Reo and Tikanga Māori professional development for two schools that I have worked in and on both occasions she provided the most inspirational and motivational professional development I have been involved in. She shifted thinking and improved teaching practice in Te Reo and developed a deeper understanding for all in Te Ao Māori. She also made the links in the curriculum more meaningful and achievable in a mainstream classroom programme.
Pam – Principal of Kauri Park and Scott Point School
I first met Michele when I went to one of her full day Te Reo courses. I walked in feeling very self-conscious about my abilities in Māori and walked out feeling confident and excited about my journey. Michele has a way of making people feel at ease. She helps you feel successful where you are and then gives you encouragement and everything you will need to improve.
We were then fortunate enough to have Michele work with a small team from our school for a day. From this, we decided to access the Te Reo Club resources and have been using these in our school with great success. Michele has the expertise of the language and the background of being a teacher. Her resources have been designed specifically to inform, engage and support both the teachers and students in learning Te Reo. Working with Michele has been inspiring and motivating and has helped us find confidence in ourselves to incorporate Māori in our lessons and daily interactions. I highly recommend working with Michele.
Eva Rodding Sunnybrae School
More testimonials below.
Are you looking for some inspiration, new ideas and support to kick-start or re-vamp your te reo
programme in 2022?
I am offering Professional Development to kaiako in mainstream schools who are:
- looking for new ways to integrate te reo throughout their day
- teaching Years 0-8
- wanting a scaffolded approach to their te reo lessons
- BTs
- part of the school’s Curriculum Māori Team
- te reo Māori kaiako responsible for teaching room to room
- beginning their te reo journey
- mentor teachers
- Tumuaki (Principals)
On completion you will have a kete of resources to help you:
- extend your te reo into other areas of your akomanga
- implement second language teaching techniques
- further engage learners through games and activities
- integrate te reo into your reading programme
Are you interested in PD in your rōhe, district?
Fill out the form here with a school email so we can see what area you are in. If we have enough expressions of interest we can hold PD in your area 🙂

Michele has provided Te Reo and Tikanga Māori professional development for two schools that I have worked in and on both occasions she provided the most inspirational and motivational professional development I have been involved in. She shifted thinking and improved teaching practice in Te Reo and developed a deeper understanding for all in Te Ao Māori. She also made the links in the curriculum more meaningful and achievable in a mainstream classroom programme.
Pam – Principal of Kauri Park and Scott Point School
Michele is an educator who is inspirational and engaging. She provides a space that is comfortable and encourages you to get outside of your comfort zone when learning a new language. Her activities that she provides makes you excited to teach Te Reo in your classroom.
Candace – Scott Point School
Michele was a great presenter. She developed and presented Te Reo in a way that was practical and easy to follow and extend if required. Her resources are well crafted and easy to pick up and use. She encouraged us and helped us build our confidence with Te Reo Māori.
– Laura Parker – Scott Point School
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom to inspire us. The lessons were very useful and you explained everything well. Michele is engaging and keeps your interest in Te Reo Maori. I absolutely enjoyed your hands-on activities. I am looking forward to using your resources next year.
DK – Scott Point School
Michele removed the anxiety around learning about a language and a culture that I’ve always felt I should know more about. Previous PD had come with pressures to perform. Never once was I put on the spot individually. Learning was supportive and collaborative. This is by far the most positive Te Reo / Tikanga PD I’ve had and the one that has had the most impact on my professional practice.
Michael – Scott Point School
Michele is truly amazing. She has made me feel a lot more confident in my ability to use and teach Te Reo and really helped with my pronunciation. She made all the sessions we had with her fun, helping us to build Māori into everyday conversations with lots of practice of how we can use it in the classroom. I learnt the most about using Te Reo in the classroom and for myself in the sessions we had with Michele than I have in the past 20 years of teaching. I really do feel a lot more confident and excited to use all I have learnt in the classroom.
Natasha – Scott Point School
I can recommend this workshop because it gives practical help and advice on how to use some great resources in an integrated way in the classroom.
Angela H
It was a friendly welcoming environment. All our different levels of knowledge in te reo were respected. Great new ideas!
It is such a practical workshop with so many great ideas and resources, ready to use. It has helpful ways to encourage students to lead their own learning.
Very practical and lots of “aha” moments. Wonderful resources.
It is a practical workshop with a passionate facilitator who is encouraging and reassuring.
Katherine H
It was invaluable information regarding where to take lessons further. Awesome resources.
Lisa McCulloch
Useful for all levels. Clear and useful especially QR codes. Great for enhancing and upskilling te reo.
Tua Misiloi
It caters for a range of abilities in terms of teacher knowledge of te reo. All activities can easily be extended and scaffolded to cater for higher/lower ability.
Practical resources. Very well presented in a non-threatening environment.
Gabrielle Flaus
Michele is a great facilitator with a lovely manner and creates a calm, safe learning environment for everyone. Resources/ideas are fabulous and very user friendly in the classroom.
Kim Yeferni
Such a wealth of knowledge resources and ideas for quick ways to incorporate te reo in the classroom.
Eden Russell
Well-paced. Non-threatening. Progressive with examples that build on one another.
Great visually appealing resources. Inspiration and ideas for activities that can easily be integrated.
Maren Lohkemper | Shirley Primary
I felt very empowered to go back to the classroom and start!
Emily Wells
Plenty of fantastic visual, easy to understand resources to use in the classroom.
Tom Gordon
The workshop was practical and hands on and the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly. I felt engaged the whole time, The resources are bright, colourful and adaptable.
Sartia McGeogh-Donovan
It’s non-threatening, fun and confidence building. You learn heaps.
Alison Cox
Informative, active and provides useful resources for the classroom.
Sarah Lynch
This workshop is very hands on and engaging. This makes it easy to introduce to our tamariki. They can become engaged in learning through creating.
Lynette Barnfield
Took me from basic knowledge to extend me.
It was great for teachers with no reo but also caters for those who can speak the language as it is based around strategies for teaching.
Kirsty Robinson
It is practical and offers ideas for all age groups and how to integrate into all curriculum areas, how to scaffold learning and next learning steps.
Kathryn Sim
Interactive and builds on basic knowledge and empowers you to use the language in every aspect of the classroom.
Rosey Hart
Great atmosphere-safe to practice, make mistakes and not know the answers.
Hugh Fry
Lots of ideas for beginning to experienced kaiako. Love the resources-colour-quality-detail. Pedagogy of second language learning.
Maria Osborn
It was a practical hands on workshop taught in an open friendly way. Very practical and easy to implement ideas and resources into our daily programme. Michele was engaging and enthused us al!!
It is pitched at every level and emphasises the “just give it a go”-non-judgemental.
Barb Lambeth
Great for beginners and has extension. Great resources! Workshop runs at a good pace by a lovely teacher.
The workshop was GREAT! Very relaxed and Michele was easy to understand and follow/learn from. Extremely worthwhile.
Erica Milligan
The delivery of content is given in a fun and enlivening way which brings out the joy in learning. It has given my poor old brain a kick start to focus in bringing te reo into the lives of the children I teach by providing the resources and teaching tips and confidence that I hadn’t found before.
Lyn Clark
It was a relaxed and easy way to find out about practical ways to teach te reo in the classroom. I was also able to learn from other kaiako. It clarified several things I was unsure of. Loved the use of songs.
Lisa Agnew
The workshop covered pedagogy of language teaching and included lots of practical- use tomorrow
Ideas and resources. It was all wrapped up in a reminder that this is a compulsory part of our jobs!
Ali Caldwell
Michele creates a comfortable environment for all learners. I have loved hearing and seeing how to use the resources in a classroom setting.
Shannon Buchanan
It was full of practical information and ideas that fit straight into any NZ classroom. It has built my confidence and wasn’t overwhelming. Michele is fab!
Becky Faulknor
Michele is a great presenter-professional, approachable, friendly and very understanding of the barriers and difficulties/confidence issues teachers can sometimes experience.
Cheryl Pearson