Matariki teaching resource bundle
Matariki BUNDLE

Are you looking for Matariki resources that will help you and your learners gain a deeper understanding of the Māori New Year?

This resource begins with the story of Tāwhirimātea. It tells how his eyes came to be the stars of Matariki. Hence the name “Ngā Mata o te Ariki Tāwhirimātea.” The Eyes of the God Tāwhirimātea” or Mata ariki.

The story comes with beautiful colourful illustrations and a black and white version, so your learners can re-write their own stories. You could also make a sequence story or a class collaborative pūrākau.

Magnetic stories can be made from another resource in this bundle. the stunning illustrations can be used to further develop the language of your learners (English, te reo, kīwaha, phrases etc) in play or as part of a group activity.


MATARIKI Collaborative Poster

Celebrate the Māori New Year with this Matariki collaborative poster.

For young and old these posters are so much fun and the collaborative nature of the exercise brings people together!… Read More

Anzac Collaborative Poster
ANZAC Collaborative Poster

Collaborative posters are a fun inclusive activity. This ANZAC Poster includes the last line of “The Ode of Remembrance” in te reo Māori.
” Ka maumahara tonu tātou ki a rātou”.… Read More

Collaborative Posters Mahi ngātahi
Whakatauki Collaborative Poster A K O

Looking for an injection of te reo for your “AKO” theme?
This wonderful whakataukī may resonate with some of your learners and get them thinking about taking “action” in their learning choices.
“The crayfish won’t come to you” is a popular whakataukī in education.This tama lays on the water dreaming about crayfish. If he had the skills perhaps he could go and catch those crays!
Whāia te mātauranga- pursue knowledge/skills.

Collaborative posters are FUN!… Read More

How to Write a Pepeha
How to Write a Pepeha

Writing a pepeha can be a little confusing for learners. This te reo Maori resource has visuals and explanations to help with the understanding of a pepeha.

Bright and engaging, this should make the process easier.… Read More

Te Reo Starter Kit 2
Te Reo Māori Starter Kit (Kete Tuarua)

Most of the time, we find it overwhelming to look for resources which are useful and enjoyable at the same time. Nevertheless, look no further! The job is done for you. Here is an awesome Te Reo Māori Starter Kit! … Read More

Te Reo Starter Kit 3
Te Reo Māori Starter Kit (Kete Tuatoru)

Most of the time, we find it overwhelming to look for resources which are useful and enjoyable at the same time. Nevertheless, look no further! I have done the job for you. I compiled these resources for you in this … Read More

Te Reo Starter Kit 1
Te Reo Māori Starter Kit (Kete Tuatahi)

Most of the time, we find it overwhelming to look for resources which are useful and enjoyable at the same time. Nevertheless, look no further! I have done the job for you. I compiled these resources for you in this … Read More

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