Firstly, thanks to all of you who have attended the workshops over the past few years.
For those of you who don’t have this growth mindset freebie, it comes with a waiata from Te Puru school.
The below dates are for the July school holidays 2019.
Te reo workshops-schools as venues
In addition to running these in convention centres/ motel venues I have started collaborating with schools to use their learning spaces as venues.
As a result, kaiako are able to look around at other learning spaces and get ideas, from other schools, for all sorts of school related things. I have found this very valuable too.
Above all, three kaiako are able to attend for no cost. This is available throughout Aotearoa. If you are interested you can download this Te Reo Māori Workshops for Kaiako.
Due to this, I have been to some amazing schools and spaces. Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson Palmerston North and Thames have been some of the destinations.
Similarly, “other” interesting venues can be used. Last year forty of us met at Te Manawa Museum in Palmerston North. In the country, on the coast and in the city-the manaakitanga has been amazing at all of your schools.
Te reo workshop surprise
On one of my last adventures I went to Te Puru school in Thames.
My whānau is from Thames so it was lovely to go back to give something to the community of Te Puru. Te Puru School is right on the water and they are often visited by Orca (true story).
What an amazing welcome I had. Most noteworthy was that the kaiako sung a waiata to this popular growth mindset poster. The very talented Maria Yates put these this beautiful tune to this poster. I’m not sure who composed this karakia/kōrero but it’s so relevant to all of us. As we all know learning a waiata is a much easier way of remembering the kupu! Listen to it here.
As a result, my tears were flowing. Doesn’t it sound amazing? The whole school sings it.
Feel free to download and use it yourself.
You can download Mā te Whakapono poster here.
You can download Mā te whakapono waiata here.
Te reo workshop content
The workshops are for those who are:
* looking for new ways to integrate te reo throughout their day
*teaching Years 0-8
* wanting a scaffolded approach to their te reo lessons
*part of the school’s Curriculum Māori Team
*te reo Māori kaiako responsible for teaching room to room
*beginning their te reo journey
*mentor teachers
*Tumuaki (Principals)
Furthermore, the first part of the day is specifically looking at tried and true ways of integrating te reo Māori in your space EFFECTIVELY and SUSTAINABLY. Hence, the second part varies according to the needs stated by the attendees and is usually a thematic approach to integrating through topics.
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Michele is a fabulous facilitator who has a real warmth about her. She uses humour along with engaging anecdotes to deliver important messages about Te Ao Maori.
[The information was] very practical and helpful. Easy to digest in small chunks, perfect!Ben
It has inspired me to be more determined to find opportunities to use te reo.
Highly recommended. An amazing presenter who made it easy for me to see how I could increase more te reo in my room.
Amazing in each and every way! I appreciated the practical nature of the day and your humour! Highly recommend this PD.
Ngā mihi and hope you can join us.