These te reo Maori interactive folder printables are made for the Homeschool, Pre-school and Primary school. There is so much fun to be had using these with your learner (and yourself). Download the resource now – or, join Te Reo Club and have unlimited access to heaps of great resources like this! —>
Firstly, the English is on the bottom pages. This is so that tamariki can identify in English what the “thing” is. (It’s no use learning the word for strawberry when its actually a raspberry. This helps with reading and recognition in English too.
For the kaiako, these are great as as interactive activity on the wall or in a folder.
To further progress te reo there are questions to ask your learner, which are on some of the pages and on a cheat sheet.
“Ko te aha tēnei tau?” What’s this number?” and the answer “Ko te…”
Steps to Assemble:
Cut (the page of te reo)
Velcro (or use blu tac)
Assemble (match the te reo pieces on top of the English ones )
Ask/answer questions in te reo.
The te reo Maori interactive learning folder covers the following topics:
1. Te Arapū Māori (Māori Alphabet)
2. Ngā Tau (Numbers)
3. Ngā Āhua (Shapes)
4. Ngā Tae (Colours)
5. Ngā Wāhanga o te Tinana (Parts of the Body)
6. Te Tāima (Time)
7. Ngā Rā o te Wiki (Days of the Week)
8. Ngā Marama o te Tau (Months of the Year)
9. Te Huarere (The Weather)
10. Ngā Wāhanga o te Tau (Seasons of the Year)
11. Ngā kare ā roto (Feelings)
12. Tūwāhi (Locations)
13. Kupu Hāngai (Opposites)
This resource is a PDF and will show up in your DOWNLOADS. It should automatically download after purchase. If it can’t be found there, please look in your SPAM folder.
Related Products:
Te Arapū Māori ( Māori Alphabet) Jigsaw Puzzles
Te Reo Māori Number Recognition Bundle (5 Resources)
Te Reo at Home-Colour Flip Books
Parts of The Body: Ngā Wāhanga o Te Tinana
He aha te Tāima? What’s the Time in te reo Māori
Te Reo Māori – Days, Months and DatesTe Reo Māori: Feelings-Ngā Kare ā- Roto
Te Reo Māori Made Easier: Locations-Tūwāhi