
He aha te Tāima? What’s the Time in te reo Māori




You could speak Te Reo Māori  all day, every day, hour and minute! Download the resource now – or, join Te Reo Club and have unlimited access to heaps of great resources like this! —> tereoclub.co.nz

Telling the time an excellent way to integrate te reo into the maths programme .

If you aren’t sure on how to tell the time in Māori, it is a perfect way for you to learn.

Flash cards, clocks, watches, call outs and worksheets make up this 77 page resource.

Learnings will have a variety of ways they can practice their time- telling.

There are many ways of asking what the time is and many are included.

This has a whole school licence for all of you to use (just your school).

Empower yourself and your learners! Great for adults and home school!

Also included time labels that fit next to my timetable resource.


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