Wow! Another year of epic mahi from teachers. From what I have seen there has been a huge increase in te reo Māori and Tikanga in mainstream kura. Everyone benefits! Aotearoa pride.
As a child Christmas time was a time of making, drawing, constructing-gifts and cards. As an adult some of the crafts I have made are gift paper, gift cards, Christmas crackers,angel ornaments, peg dolls and hundreds of Christmas tree decorations. With the holiday season drawing close I have been busy making themed resources for busy teachers to use with their learners. This has fulfilled my crafting pleasure. All of these rauemi have plenty of alternatives for those learners who don’t celebrate Christmas.
Paper Chains
Oh how I love paper chains.These come in two themes.
*Te Reo Māori Values and Virtues
Hope,trust/belief,compassion,guardianship,confidence,commitment,unity,leadership,patience,kindness friendship-to name a few.
Available here:
*Te Reo Māori Christmas Paper Chains
Merry Christmas,With love, Best wishes,Happy New Year. Both come with fun illustrations and NZ themes to celebrate our unique place. They come in two sizes-landscape, long and thin or profile short and wide. (Don’t cut around the margin as you need this to keep them from being too small.) Personally my preference is short and wide, for a bigger picture. (I love it when short and wide wins**)
And it goes without saying you can mix and match them both.
Available here:
**New Zealand Christmas Ornaments
I LOVE 3D stuff-and these are BIG and BEAUTIFUL. No I didn’t make them small. Each circle is 3/4 of an A4 page. The reason is that by using blank templates they can be writing prompts and the illustrations can be beautified by the learners personal touch. The big 3D balls can spin beautifully in the wind, and will be noticed. These would be a thoughtful gift. Again there are te reo Māori phrases and some cool illustrations. There is plenty of choice for everyone, especially those who don’t celebrate Christmas.
Available here:
** New Zealand Native Birds Christmas Decorations These two little guys are cute. Tūī and Tīrairaka (Fantail) are wearing Christmas pōtae. They are 3D decorations that can be hung. One side is illustrated and the other side can be coloured in. With push pins added the wings can be moved up and down and a message can be written under the wing.
Available here:
**New Zealand Christmas Card Making Set
This is a fun combo of the Native birds, a smaller version of the round Christmas ornament, a 2D card (with those smaller ornaments) and a smaller 3D card like the one above. There are embellishments and NZ icons (pōhutukawa, kōwhai,tiki etc) to cut and personalise your own DIY card. Don’t forget the glitter. (Arohamai cleaners)
That’s it for now. Plenty to keep the crafters busy!