The Akomanga: The Special Aotearoa Classroom

I was lucky enough to work with several groups of Beginning Teachers this week.
One of the many things we touched on was classroom environment.

*When you look around your akomanga, does it look like a classroom in Aotearoa?

*Are both Tiriti partners reflected in displays, language and culture?

*Is there a seamless weaving and integration of te reo Māori where possible ?

*Are the displays, charts and labels on the wall being used? Are they interactive?

When I produce my resources I think about these things. I want my final resources to represent aspects of te ao Māori to whakamana (uphold) te reo Māori and also to represent Aotearoa and the “flavour” of NZ.

“A good resource is a resource to grow with.”

Selection of resource.

We discussed how a resource should have a +1+2 factor. i.e. If it is a number chart, it should have at least one or two more teaching points, other than the obvious. If charts/resources are on your wall they are taking valuable “real estate”, valuable learning space. It is important that what is visible is used and has heaps of learning within the one resource.

The finger patterns have been changed from the ones in this video. They are the preferred “Thumb up first, for “one”.

To answer a few questions:
This has a whole school licence. This means all teachers in your school may use it under the one purchase.
Why? Usually the resources can be used by at least all of the kaiako in your team (and most often more). It saves having to go back and buy more licences without breaching the terms of a single licence. Also it means you are FREE to share it with others, in your kura, who may get heaps from it too.
Many of the kaiako purchasing these are the Team/Curriculum Leaders-they are then able to offer it to all via the school drive.
I feel it is the fairer and more economical choice for kura 🙂
Available here 

I have just added worksheets 1-10 which match the b&w versions with the addition of the sentences, writing the number word number.